Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I updated! It's probably a bad sign that it took me a couple tries to get on this thing because i couldnt remember my password! I just got home from the gym, davids at a chuch meeting and I just felt the need to post some fun pictures ( Yes i do get the urge to update when something cool has happened but as you can tell actually doing it is a totally different thing!) I love pictures. I love posts with pictures. Sometimes i jUst skip the words and go straight to the pictures. They tell the story best. So here's our backwards story of the past month or so. Literally the pictures are backwards in sequence. Dunno how to fix it so here it goes...

National Champs!

These first set of snow pictures are from monday. We had so so much fun. The boys got the four wheelers out and us girls and kids went sledding down a monster hill on cookie sheets.

This. did. not. work.

I love this picture. Dont you?!

These ones here are from Christmas day. Can you tell Marley looooves the snow?

And that I loooove my hubby :)

Our home Christmas morning.
Yes, halfway through this post I DID think " this is a lot of pictures" but then i just couldnt make myself delete any! so there.