Monday, February 13, 2012

Baby Grey lately according to the iphone...

playdate with cousin, kena
walks with sis Marley

just love those last three pictures, such an animated babe we have

Sometimes I find my cheeks hurting because i smile so much during the day, and after seeing those pics can you really blame me? Grey is growing so much, and he is absolutely the sweetest thing I have ever seen. He will be 4 months in just a couple of weeks! How'd that happen?! All i do know is just when i think i cant love him any more.... he gives me one of those huge gummy grins and just like that i love him a little more than I did. Grey has made me so incredibly happy these past 3.5 months, he makes me proud to be his momma.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

tummy time

IF this little fella is in a good mood he loves his tummy time. He will just talk and talk while giving mama some of the most adorable picture worthy faces. Dont believe me? Just take a look!

Grey has rolled over a total of 3 times now. He does it then we get really excited and try again, but nope one time is enough for him so we just try a bit later. We have been putting him to sleep in his crib ( he had been in a bassinet next to our bed) for his first stretch of sleep at night, and he has been doing really good. He usually sleeps about 3-4 hours in there and then I bring him back into our room :X He's still too little be be clear down the hallway all night, right? :)

Not a tummy pic, but golly this kid is cute.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012