Sunday, November 27, 2011

One Month!

My Angel is ONE month old today. Can I believe it?! suure cant. I love him more and more each day and I still cant believe he's ours. forever. I just recently got to see some of his sweet baby pictures taken by my SIL at 2 weeks and to see how much he has changed in just two weeks is just crazy. At one month old he is eating every 2-3 hours still, loves to be patted on the bum, has the sweetest, most adorable bed head when he gets up in the morning, can stay awake anywhere from 2-4 hours at a time, he loves rock music ( if he is fussy almost always a good playlist on daddy's ipad will put him right to sleep) - today was his first Sunday to go to church and on our way home he decided he was going to CRY. It lasted a couple minutes until a Stone Temple Pilot song came on ( probably not the most appropriate sunday music, but it did the job) and silence. He went straight to sleep. Also at a month old he has grown out of his newborn clothes, he is so alert and will follow us with his eyes if we move from side to side while holding him. He still loves tummy time and is really good at lifting his head up and looking around. OH and I almost forgot, he is getting cuter and cuter every single day! Here are a couple pictures from the past few weeks!

I hope you dont mind Alisha- Its a sneak peak of his baby pics. These are unedited pics. More to come!

My handsome man on his first day of church

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thankfuls 1-19

and I'll go ahead and say 20-30 too..


Dont get me wrong I have so so much more to be grateful for, but since October 27th he's been my number one.

our first family picture

I love this kid more than I thought I would,more than I thought I could.Since coming home three weeks ago we've just been trying to figure each other out. So far I know my babe loves the bath, loves going on walks and riding in the car, he likes when mom sings along to his Bob Marley CD, He is a nightowl like his dad, he loves his tummy time, he's an eater- almost weighs 10 lbs already,and he is loved more than he could possibly know. I wont even lie and say these past three weeks of being a mom have been easy, I have been frustrated to tears on several occassions, and been a walking zombie some days, but I wouldnt trade it for anything. He made me a mom.

Just laughed to myself when i realized Marley is in three of those pics- shes still pretty curious

Ishould make that into my BOYS that I am grateful for. David is such an amazing dad to Grey. He absolutley adores him, and i know he will only be more and more involved as he gets older( theres only so much ol dad can do right now)

I'll try to keep ya updated on here because he is changing so fast, too fast!!