Tuesday David turned 26 years old! We had a little family celebration on Sunday at my parents where we ate his requested dinner of pork tenderloin and new red potatoes and chocolate bundt birthday cake. Then on his actual birthday he had to work so when he got off I had a little present for him plus i stocked the fridge with fav diet soda and bought mint chocolate chip skinny cow sandwhiches. Then we went to outback for dinner. It seems he is always craving a bloomin' onion!
Something else we are sooo looking forward to celebrating it our three year anniversary which will be this July. David has a work meeting in Cancun next month and I am stoked to be able to tag along! David's worried I will be bored around the resort while he's in meetings during the day, I told him I thought I will be juuust fine :)
This one isnt so much something I am celebrating even though I am so thrilled its almost summer, but this is my last year with a family I have grown to love and learn so much from. This job came along at a time that I really needed it, and I hope in some way I was able to touch their lives like they have mine. I would never dare say I think I'm completely prepared to have my own children, but I feel better prepared after the past two years with this sweet family. These are just a couple pictures of a day the two youngests and I went to the park.
I bet those of you who know our big news thought this post was going to start off a little different, but I have saved the best for last! Indeed David and I are expecting our first baby! Most definitely something to celebrate. I am 16 wks already. Time is seriously going by so fast. I have a doctor's appointment Monday and then the next time I go in will be to find out the gender of the baby! Sorry no pictures. I have some on my phone, but dont know how to upload them onto my laptop. Next time I will. promise.
Where you wondering how our baby girls were doin? Well let me leave you with some sweet faces courtesy of Marley and Shiloh...