IF this little fella is in a good mood he loves his tummy time. He will just talk and talk while giving mama some of the most adorable picture worthy faces. Dont believe me? Just take a look!
Grey has rolled over a total of 3 times now. He does it then we get really excited and try again, but nope one time is enough for him so we just try a bit later. We have been putting him to sleep in his crib ( he had been in a bassinet next to our bed) for his first stretch of sleep at night, and he has been doing really good. He usually sleeps about 3-4 hours in there and then I bring him back into our room :X He's still too little be be clear down the hallway all night, right? :)
Not a tummy pic, but golly this kid is cute.
Not a tummy pic, but golly this kid is cute.