David really excited to be awake at 730 :)
Buddy before his 2 month appt yesterday(minus the hat) Daddy got him dressed.
He weighed 13.7 lbs and is in the 90th percentile for weight and 75th for height.
He took his shots like a champ and broke his momma's heart, but he was just fine after we could pick him up .
He is smiling more and more each day and seriously I can not contain my love for this kid. He has slept six hours straight just two nights, but hey i'll take it! His average is 3-4 hours at a time throught out the night though. He is getting really good at holding his head up, and has looooved his swing these past few weeks. The other day I had to buy size 2 diapers for my growing boy. Yesterday at church I was in the mother's lounge and a lady had her 4 day old baby in there. I was amazed by how itty bitty he was and in that moment I realized just how much my baby has grown. He's no longer a fresh little new born, and I'm okay with that. I love seeing my boy grow. I am so looking forward to each and every milestone of his. He has already made me such a proud momma. I love him. I really really love him.
That picture of David is going to haunt my dreams at night ha
such a cute kid, he must get it from his parents.
loved the pictures of everyone. Even Dave. Somethings never change.
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