David really excited to be awake at 730 :)
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Merry Christmas!
David really excited to be awake at 730 :)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
One Month!
I hope you dont mind Alisha- Its a sneak peak of his baby pics. These are unedited pics. More to come!
My handsome man on his first day of church
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Thankfuls 1-19
our first family picture
I love this kid more than I thought I would,more than I thought I could.Since coming home three weeks ago we've just been trying to figure each other out. So far I know my babe loves the bath, loves going on walks and riding in the car, he likes when mom sings along to his Bob Marley CD, He is a nightowl like his dad, he loves his tummy time, he's an eater- almost weighs 10 lbs already,and he is loved more than he could possibly know. I wont even lie and say these past three weeks of being a mom have been easy, I have been frustrated to tears on several occassions, and been a walking zombie some days, but I wouldnt trade it for anything. He made me a mom.
Just laughed to myself when i realized Marley is in three of those pics- shes still pretty curious
Ishould make that into my BOYS that I am grateful for. David is such an amazing dad to Grey. He absolutley adores him, and i know he will only be more and more involved as he gets older( theres only so much ol dad can do right now)
I'll try to keep ya updated on here because he is changing so fast, too fast!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
three years today!
I love that kid
This post was really about David and how much I adore him, but I have to add that at 25 wks pregnant baby boy is kicking A LOT! However, the only two people to feel him so far are David and my sis in law, Stefanie. I guess he's being bashful. We still have so much to do to get ready for this little guy. Just about the only thing I have done is about the only thing im good at, buying him clothes. Sometimes I just go into his room and sit on the floor and go through all the little clothes we have for him so far. I read the books that one day soon i'll read to him and I smile because I can not wait for him to be here with us. He's already sooo loved. I'll leave you with a baby bump pic. I kinda wish I had posted some when I was still little and cute haha, but there is no hiding this baby.
Monday, May 16, 2011
a whole lot of lately and Something to celebrate
This one isnt so much something I am celebrating even though I am so thrilled its almost summer, but this is my last year with a family I have grown to love and learn so much from. This job came along at a time that I really needed it, and I hope in some way I was able to touch their lives like they have mine. I would never dare say I think I'm completely prepared to have my own children, but I feel better prepared after the past two years with this sweet family. These are just a couple pictures of a day the two youngests and I went to the park.
Arent they such charming children? haha They really are the best.