Monday, May 11, 2009

Yay so I just took my last two finals and I am officially done with school for roughly two and a half weeks haha. I'm taking two classes this summer so believe me I am going to ENJOY these next few weeks! I'm thinking my bathrooms need to be painted, I should probably catch up on some laundry, and my closet is begging to be cleaned out. Oh and not to mention car shopping. Since this is currently how my car looks. As bad as it looks it could have been so much worse so for that i am grateful:)

Wednesday morning I was on my way to school when the storm came through. I had just made it to Brownsferry(which wasn't very far) and I wasn't able to see anything. It was so rainny and the wind was so bad. I came to a stop and thats when a piece of tree hit my windshield and I just ducked my head and thats when the rest of the tree came crashing down and I do mean crashing. It was loud and TERRifying! After I realized that I was okay I then realized i couldnt get out. Two police officers had to come in and get me out. Then we sat around until they were able to get my car out from under the tree and I could gather up all my belongings. Needless to say I did not make it to school that day but my teachers were all very understanding.

Last post I said hopefully I would have something more interesting to blog about next time..and indeed I did but dont think its going to always be like this. After this post it is back to my same old life and I couldn't be happier!!


Cari said...

I saw some of these pics on Dave's facebook page and I couldn't believe you made it out of that unhurt. I am SOOOO glad!

Good luck car shopping. We'd love to have you out at Garden Club if you get the chance in the next few weeks. I didn't get a chance to really chat with you at Noah's party.

Dawn, said...

So blessed!! Your poor mom's heart must have stopped beating for a few beats when she saw your car. Here's to a very calm, uneventful, boring, next couple of weeks off of school, grin.

shari said...

Your Mom told me about you on Wednesday night. She was just so happy that you were ok. I couldn't believe you were the woman on Brownsferry stuck under a tree. Thank goodness you were not hurt.

kg said...

Recently found your blog ;)

Oh my! So glad you were OK, That is just crazy! Was it from the tornado??

Jenni said...

So glad that you weren't hurt but sorry that your car was. And next time you want to visit with the mayor do it in his office please!

Kim Mayfield said...

Still amazes me to look at these pictures! So thankful you were not hurt.